Oct 10, 2023

DF95 State Championships 2023

Three PRSC members competed in the 2023 DF95 State Championships with Justin McAullay achieving a very credible 4th position, Bruce Quail and Bruce Robins coming in 9th and 10th respectively out of a total field of 18. The event was won by Nick Jerwood of Wanderers

Following summary courtesy of Andrew Donkin;

Wonderful day of racing held in comfortable conditions with overcast skies, a mild 23°C and steady winds. They were 5 - 8 knots from the North early on then at around 1.30pm the seabreeze arrived and we had Westerly breezes between 5 - 10knots. As usual the swing of direction was there during most races confusing the skippers and their tacking angles to the next buoys. Both directions had some tree effects especially nearer the top marks, these could derail a strategy plan of any skipper very quickly.

Today was the DF95 WA State Championship and we had 18 boats registered to compete. Many from the previous day’s battles in the smaller boat returned for more punishment. We again elected to split the fleet into two groups which worked very well. This meant just 11 boats were on the water at any one time and therefore we had much cleaner racing as there was plenty of space.

Our PRO today was Peter Buchanan who did a magnificent job especially given the changing angles of our breezes. Cheers Pete I owe you a bottle or two. Our Buoy Monitors were again Bill and Terry, thank you and the scoring was held together by Ian Meiklejohn with help from Dave Woodcock and John W, Thank you. I know I may have missed some but we appreciate all the club helpers that came down and there were many, cheers to you all.

The racing was fast with the bigger boats flying at times and the cream of great skippers slowly filtered to the top. Nearly everyone had a race back down in the B fleet including our winner. Maintaining a place in the top 7 in A fleet all day is hard because there were some great skippers at work. Trying to get out of the B fleet was also difficult because you had to finish in the first 4 to go up. We would like to congratulate the PRO and his team for achieving 11 completed races. This is 22 heats for the day which is really pumping the boys through, well done.

We thank our trophy sponsor, Ian Meiklejohn and Chain Gate Woodwork for the magnificent Cheese platters, the pen and the hand crafted coasters. Cheers!

Our winner today sailed the lights out and was clearly our benchmark to chase, Mr Nick Jerwood. He presented brand new see-through sails but there was no hiding because he really shone. Congratulations Nick on winning both titles this weekend. In second place sailing very fast was Ian Sherriff from Phil Burgess in third place.

May we thank all the skippers who came down and represented their local clubs with special mention to the east coast skippers for making the trip.




Nick titlePhil title1T5TT2T4T6T7TT