The Annual General Meeting of Perth Radio Sailing Club will be held at the Perth Horse and Pony Club in Jon Sanders Drive on Wedneday 23 May.
The evening starts with a feed of Pizza for those who have RSVP'd to our poet laureat secretary from 6.30pm and the meeting bit starts at 7.15pm. Bring a drink, have a chat over pizza, and then take part in the meeting - it's all pretty much a fun night out, and certainly beats watching the idiot box.
We award the Eric Fisher Clubman of the Year trophy at the AGM each year. This is for the individual in the club who has done the most for the club over the preceding 12 months. Everyone at the meeting gets a vote, so the award is a terrific acknowledgement by clubmates of their appreciation of the input of the recipient.
Please let Bruce know if you wish to partake of the extra fine gourmet pizzas - you know you want to!