Hullo Sailors,
Here we are in mid-July and the winter events are coming thick and fast – some of us are sailing like we’re a bit thick and some of us are sailing fast. But before we talk about this week’s and next week’s events, let’s just congratulate Glenn Dawson on winning the IOM Perth Classic last Sunday at Jackadder.
I was absent on duty elsewhere on the day so I’ve only got the published results (and some YouTube footage) to go on, so I’m looking forward to hear all the tales of woe from the other sailors but a quick analysis of the scoresheet shows, as ever, that it pays to be consistent. Glenn, in his first foray onto the deadly waters of Jackadder in some time and in a brand new boat in its first serious event, walked off with the chocolates by being consistent all day. He only had 1 heat win out of 16 (well done to the organising team to get to the third drop) but he had 6 2nds and his worst results (his drops) were no worse than 8th in a 15-boat fleet. The National Champion had 5 heat wins but could do no better than 4th on the day and Edgar, in a meritorious 2nd overall, had as many podiums as Glenn but had more ‘dud’ results mid-fleet than Mr Dawson.
So well done Glenn, Jackadder’s not so bad, eh?
The YouTube footage I referred to above can be found on You Tube at and is worth a watch. Thanks to Ron Grim for videoing the day so well. It makes Jackadder look just as good a venue as all the other footage we see from the east coast events. I think we might grab a copy of the footage for our webpage so the newbies can see it near its best.
(I’ll wait to be shouted down by the guys who were actually there on the day. J )
This week’s sailing starts tomorrow with the third Thursday of the month and therefore IOM Handicap sailing – which reminds me I’d better go and put the handicap start box on the charger right now.
(Ten minutes later – chopped firewood and set the fire too)
Thursday 16 July, 2020: DF 95 Club Racing and IOM Club Handicap Racing, at Jackadder Lake from 2.00 pm. Weather: Showers, Late Storm Likely, Max 21, Partly cloudy. Very high (95%) chance of rain, most likely in the afternoon and early evening. A thunderstorm likely in the afternoon and early evening. Winds northerly 20 to 30 km/h turning westerly 15 to 20 km/h in the early afternoon. (Hmm, note to Duty Team – southern carpark course?)
Saturday 18 July, 2020: IOM + DF 95 Club Racing at Jackadder Lake, from 2.00 pm. Weather: Shower or Two, Max 18, Partly cloudy. Medium (60%) chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Light winds.
Saturday 18 July, 2020: 10R Club Racing, at Maylands, from 2.00 pm. Weather: Shower or Two, Max 18, Partly cloudy. Medium (60%) chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Light winds.
Sunday 19 July, 2020: DF 95 Shootout!, at Austin Lakes, from 1.00 pm (Registration from 12 noon). Weather (Mandurah): Partly Cloudy, Max 16, light winds.
Sunday’s Shootout is a PRSC-hosted event and sailors from most other clubs will be there, especially Wanderers. It would be good to support it, even by lending your DF 95 to another sailor if you can’t be there to sail it yourself. (The last time a borrowed boat was sailed in a similar event, it got 2nd, didn’t it Bob.)
Sunday 26 July is the equivalent Shootout! at Austin Lakes for the DF 65s, this time hosted by the new Austin Lakes Radio Sailors club, so PRSC sailors who secretly own a baby boat can contemplate supporting it too, by sailing or lending. Both these events go towards assisting the growth of the plastic boats as a serious class of radio sailing, so are worth supporting, as well as being a lot of fun. Don’t forget, at least five of the ten best sailors in Australia in these classes come from WA and will probably be in the fleets this week and next week, so come on down.